First, from Mary Alnutt, who lives nearby, came information on the house's demise and this photo (near the house's location but uncertainly connected to it). The Hall was destroyed by fire sometime in the late 1800s according to Loula Kendall Rogers, daughter of the physician who built Bellwood, who wrote in a volume of poetry she published: "Just at the close of our fall term at Gordon Institute, as twilight shades enshrouded the earth, there came the sad tidings that Bellwood, the beautiful home of my childhood, was destroyed by fire."
Mary let me know that the little house in front of Bellwood, which I speculated may have been slave quarters, was actually Dr. Kendall's medical office.
David Paterson sent this 1858 photograph of the house, which as he noted, is in contrast to the idealized portrait at the top of the post, and which was also painted by Loula of her beloved home. It is inscribed on the back: ""Bellwood Upson Co. Ga. The old Kendall Home. A true type of the old Southern Plantation house. The fence was only put up until a new one was built, and the carriage drive improved, like the pastel picture." [added underneath in the shakier handwriting of old age:] "This Picture was taken when I was a child. Loula Kendall. 1850."
David asked if I knew anything about the 'Christmas tree' looking racks in the front yard near the house, and I confess I don't. Any ideas from you native Southerners? (click on the photo for an enlarged view...you can just see the Kendalls standing on the front porch)
Mary Nowell, who recently presented extensive research on Loula Kendall Rogers to the Upson County Historical Society, also got in touch with Bellwood's part in the Civil War: "Wilson’s Raiders came to...the Kendall home, Bellwood Hall, for 3 days. Loula was there along with her mother, Louisa and grandmother, Winifred Lane Rogers. They hid their supplies, horses and mules. The raiders found it all and they took it all. One of the raiders pointed a pistol at Loula’s chest and demanded even more."
Loula gave him her jewelry, but asked that they preserve the Hall, where she remembered her childhood as 'one long summertime'. It survived the war, as did Loula's legacy: 21,000 items of family and local history are now in the Special Collections Department at Emory University.
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