I have heretofore resisted requests for advertising on the blog, but how could I say no to giving away something to my readers? All you have to do is leave a comment telling me which of the below benches you would most like to receive:
The benches are provided by teakwickerandmore, purveyors of patio furniture.
I do have to know your email address to get in touch with the winner; if you don't have a public blogger identity, you can either leave your email address in the comment (use a coded form like name [at] emailservice [dot] com), or if you're not comfortable with that email it to me privately. But you still have to leave a comment as to which bench you would like!
Apologies to all my international readers, but the bench can only be shipped to a US address.
The giveaway will be open through the weekend; until Sunday May 3 at 12:00 midnight my time (USA Central).
P.S. I neglected to specify that one winner will be selected at random when the contest closes. (Someone thought everyone got a bench...sorry about that!) One name picked out of a hat. I'll use my nice straw garden hat with the black ribbon.
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