Photo collage, touched with green crayon, by Liliane Lijn, who 'imagined a utopia of green walkways across the rooftops of Manhattan...

"Quid [illo] quincunce speciosius, qui, in quamcumque partem spectaveris, rectus est?" "What is more beautiful than the well...

Inspired by Nests... of the true delights of the garden. the photography of sharon beals indoor-outdoor chair by gaspardlive pavilion in Berlin children...

I could do this! The Leopold Bench
Aldo Leopold's Sand Country Almanac is, along with Thoreau's Walden , a classic in American ecological literature. In it, Leopold (...

Helvetica in the Garden
The PBS special on the typeface Helvetica that aired this week made me think about text in the garden; here, a 2007 temporary crossword puz...

The fantasmic topiary of Pearl Fryar
“Gardening books will tell you that some of these things in my garden can’t be done, but I had never read them when I got started. Not knowi...

Alexander Pope's Catalogue of Greens, 1713
By the eighteenth century, the English garden was tending towards the natural (though it was not yet a 'natural' we would recognize ...

Topiary: Martial Art?
In my latest fit of manuscript writing I came across an intriguing reference to early topiary forms being derived from sentinels. As castles...