A heavenly landscape for this day of angels...Charles Voysey's "Angelic Forest", c. 1927. Merry Christmas to all!
Archives of American Gardens at Flickr
Impossibly lovely images from the Archives of American Gardens. A small selection of their 8000 images, including these historic glass lant...
The WaterLandscape of Rouen in 1525
Most of us (most of us reading this blog, anyway) live in a time and place where the flow of clean water on demand--for washing, drinking, s...
For the Garden Historian who has Almost Everything
And if like me your favorite garden historian doesn't have quite everything (but is rich, rich in friends!), then perhaps something sout...
For the Garden Historian who has everything...
...the Porter Garden Telescope. Russell Porter was an artist, engineer, and amateur astronomer/telescope maker, and in the 1920s in Springf...
Landscapes of George Tanaka
George Tanaka (1912-1982), born in Vancouver to Japanese parents, was largely self-taught. He apprenticed with a Nisei gardener, and then s...
Garden History Quote of the Week - Georgia O'Keefe on Flowers
"Everyone has many associations with a flower--the idea of flowers. You put out your hand to touch the flower--lean forward to smell it...
Patrick Dougherty's Stickworks
Landscape artist Patrick Dougherty has a new photographic catalogue of his extraordinary creations, available on his website . I was going t...
Garden History Image of the Week
found at the blog takebigbites
Garden History Image of the Week: Jardin Botanico, Asuncion, Paraguay
Found while flea-marketing with my sister...this c. 1920s image of the rose garden at the Botanical garden of Asuncion. On the back it reads...
I Could Do This! Copper Pavers and Silver Orbs in the Pond
Inspired by two other installations at the Chatsworth exhibit/sale for the uber rich... Copper pavers: I couldn't afford solid copper ...
Garden History Image of the Week: New view of Chatsworth
Joseph Paxton's 1844 'Emperor' Fountain at Chatsworth as seen by '225.5º ARC X 5' by Bernar Venet. Part of " Beyo...
Arne Quinze's Cityscape, Brussels, 2008
Thanks to reader p.Ol Ghekiere for pointing out that the pavilion previously featured in the posting on nests was not in fact in Berlin, bu...
Garden History Image of the Week...Le Jardin Japonais
To add to the previously posted history of Japanese dish gardens , this lovely image by Icart published in the French magazine L'Illustr...
El Jardin Borda, Cuernavaca, Mexico, c. 1908
An excerpt from Viva Mexico!, by Charles Macomb Flandrau, 1908: "Early in the eighteenth century there went to Mexico from France a boy...