The catalogue that makes my knees go weak is that of Hinck and Wall , antiquarian booksellers with a specialty in garden history. (They also...

Hortus Palatinus Update
A German friend from Heidelberg has just informed me that plans to re-create the Hortus Palatinus are under consideration by her city. At f...

Because it's Beautiful...Boston Parks
Used to be 25 cents, now it's $135 from rulon-miller books. "Boston Park guide including the municipal and metropolitan systems of ...

Guevrekian's Disco Ball
The artist Gabriel Guevrekian's garden for the 1925 Paris Exposition des Arts Decoratifs, from which the 'Art Deco' design movem...

A Modern Treillage
London-based designers Superblue were inspired by the organic forms of hedgerows to create a 'soft' boundary structure--an undulatin...
Green Roofs Now and Then
Green roofs c. 1728 (the Hermitage in Queen Caroline's gardens at Richmond, later to become Kew), 1797 (location unknown, from the NYPL ...

Garden for an American Craftsman House
The bungalows from the early twentieth century (c. 1890-1930) we in America refer to as 'Craftsman' houses are often now, in the twe...
Where to study Garden History, cont'd
Still, it was a big decision and when I packed up and left I was wondering if I'd made the right one. Each year, the new intakes spend t...

Where to study Garden History
Many people who are involved in garden history actually have come to it through related fields of study: landscape architecture, architectur...

Previous Art Installation in Madison Park and the New York Public Library Image Collection
A previous art installation at Madison Park was this high-rise birdhouse, from an 1871 print in the collection of the New York Public Librar...

Big Shiny Trees in Madison Park
The work of Roxy Paine installed until February 28th in Madison Park, NYC. Though tree forms from unusual materials are not in themselves t...

What does your garden mean?
I'm still thinking about the Hortus Palatinus. One thing I love about old gardens is that they were designed to mean , not just to be. I...

Friday Feature Garden - the Hortus Palatinus, 8th wonder of the World
The Hortus Palatinus is one of the great lost wonders of garden history. It was designed and built by Salomon de Caus, a French Huguenot ref...