Sculpture by Alastair Heseletine .

Sculpture by Alastair Heseletine .
The other scholarly publication in our field is the Journal of Garden History, a publication of the Garden History Society . "Garden H...
I've been receiving some lovely emails lately from readers of the blog who are new to Garden History (thank you all!) and so will be pos...
by Benjamin West, 18th C. from the Courtauld website, Art and Architecture . Search on 'gardens' for all sorts of delights. I think ...
Recently I've been perusing another blog, 'some-landscapes' . All about the connection between art in all its forms--poetry, pai...
The garden at Elsfield Manor is a good example of the layers often found in a historic landscape; layers which the garden historian must unt...
I heard today that Ted Darrah had died. He had been the longtime head gardener at Christ Church, Oxford. When I met him he was retired but ...
One of the less pleasant realizations of studying garden history is how much gardens have been the province of the wealthy few. Building a g...
As part of the planning process for creating the new Orange County Great Park, the park Conservancy assembled this list of other parks of i...
Cal Lane, sculptor and welder, turns ordinary objects into lacy fantasies. With a blow torch. Read more in the New York Times
The embroidered parterre fell out of fashion for good is hard to think of another garden design so time-consuming and expensive ...