Also available for viewing courtesy of Botanicus and the Missouri Botanic Garden is a copy of Le Fleurs Animee s, c. 1840, a story about the...

Also available for viewing courtesy of Botanicus and the Missouri Botanic Garden is a copy of Le Fleurs Animee s, c. 1840, a story about the...
The illustration from Bouteaux in the previous post is from Botanicus , the rare book collection of the Missouri Botanical Garden, which is ...
The garden depicted in the wallpaper of the previous post is classically it to the above illustration from Plans et dessins...
from a 1933 House and Garden cover, courtesy of nostalgiaville . What sort of a garden would you say this is? Italian? French? American? Eng...
executed in stainless steel and glass from the artist's statement: “In my work I reflect a childhood dream to be able to shrink in size,...
One of the difficulties of early garden history (pre-nineteenth century) is the lack of documentation. It is not simply the passage of time,...
Garden plaque from Kim Fiscus antiques in San Francisco , giant egg cup lead planter from Proler garden antiques , also in California. Bett...
Lighted flower pots by Rob Slewe at Bloom! (from Europe but I've also seen these on ebay...) and garden bench by Thomas Alken (via pan...
People tend to ask me lots of practical questions, about plants or landscape installation. Though I know some about those things, my skills ...
The reason Italian villas (and Italianate gardens) built in the early twentieth century dot the Midwestern landscape like some alien species...
Everybody knows a garden...quite simply a landscape that is in some way, more or less, intervened with--designed. But who planted it, and wh...
When I told people I was getting a master's degree in Garden History, their first response was usually to laugh. It does have something ...